Panoramic map of the center of Prague (CZ, EN, DE, IT)

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The drawn panoramic map of the center of Prague with dimensions of 500x707 mm shows the most frequented historical parts of the city - in full Prague Castle and Hradčany, Malá Strana and Old Town, a larger part of New Town and part of Smíchov... (Czech, English, German, Italian)

Code: 1272/CES
Panoramic map of the center of Prague (CZ, EN, DE, IT)
Not rated
Jazyk: Česky/Czech 🇨🇿
Skladem 1272/CES
Jazyk: English/Anglicky 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦
Skladem 1272/ENG
Jazyk: Deutsch/Německy 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭
Skladem 1272/DEU
Jazyk: Italiano/Italsky 🇮🇹
Skladem 1272/ITA

Product detailed description

On the other side, the map shows the most important monuments of Prague - e.g. the Basilica of St. George, Týn Church, Old Town Hall, Staron Synagogue, Royal Summer Palace, Troy Castle, Church of St. Nicholas, the National Theatre, the Municipal House and the Vyšehrad Church.

The guide also includes detailed drawings of the Golden Alley, the Astronomical Clock, the Crown Jewels, the Charles Bridge, the Vrtbovská Garden and the Dancing House.

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